Results for 'Betul Shri Balaji Institute of Technology'

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  1.  43
    Technology and social relationships as knowledge elements: An insight into the institutional and non-institutional relationships. [REVIEW]Andrea Resca - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (3):263-281.
    The objective of this work is to analyse technology and social relationships using the concept of knowledge. Therefore technology is not only a means to produce and social relationships a means to interact, but also the result of a whole of elements. The concept of knowledge aims to analyse these elements both from a structural point of view, highlighting their characteristics, and from a dynamic point of view, which considers how subjects interpret and make sense of them. In (...)
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    Technology, institutions and regulation: towards a normative theory.Marcus Smith & Seumas Miller - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Technology regulation is one of the most important public policy issues facing society and governments at the present time, and further clarity could improve decision making in this complex and challenging area. Since the rise of the internet in the late 1990s, a number of approaches to technology regulation have been proposed, prompted by the associated changes in society, business and law that this development brought with it. However, over the past decade, the impact of technology has (...)
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    NICE and Fair? Health Technology Assessment Policy Under the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 1999–2018.Victoria Charlton - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (3):193-227.
    The UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is responsible for conducting health technology assessment on behalf of the National Health Service. In seeking to justify its recommendations to the NHS about which technologies to fund, NICE claims to adopt two complementary ethical frameworks, one procedural—accountability for reasonableness —and one substantive—an ‘ethics of opportunity costs’ that rests primarily on the notion of allocative efficiency. This study is the first to empirically examine normative changes to NICE’s approach and (...)
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    (1 other version)Theorizing Technological and Institutional Change.Paul Thompson - 2007 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 11 (1):19-31.
    Formal, informal and material institutions constitute the framework for human interaction and communicative practice. Three ideas from institutional theory are particularly relevant to technical change. Exclusion cost refers to the effort that must be expended to prevent others from usurping or interfering in one’s use or disposal of a given good or resource. Alienability refers to the ability to tangibly extricate a good or resource from one setting, making it available for exchange relations. Rivalry refers to the degree and character (...)
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    Technology transfer: Institutions, models, and impacts on agriculture and rural life in the developing world. [REVIEW]Joseph J. Molnar & Curtis M. Jolly - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (1-2):16-23.
    Technology transfer is a multi-level process of communication involving a variety of senders and receivers of ideas and materials. As a response to market failure, or as an effort to accelerate market-driven social change, technology transfer may combine public and private aparatus or rely solely on public institutional mechanisms to identify, develop, and deliver innovations and information. Technology transfer institutions include universities, government ministries, research institutes, and what may be termed the ‘project sector’. Four farm- and village-level (...)
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    Shaping Behaviors Through Institutional Support in British Higher Educational Institutions: Focusing on Employees for Sustainable Technological Change.Fuqiang Zhao, Fawad Ahmed, Muhammad Khalid Iqbal, Muhammad Farhan Mughal, Yuan Jian Qin, Naveed Ahmad Faraz & Victor James Hunt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Technology permeates all walks of life. It has emerged as a global facilitator to improve learning and training, alleviating the temporal and spatial limitations of traditional learning systems. It is imperative to identify enablers or inhibitors of technology adoption by employees for sustainable change in education management systems. Using the theoretical lens of organizational support theory, this paper studies effect of institutional support on education management information systems use along with two individual traits of self-efficacy and innovative behavior (...)
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  7. Technology and institutions: living in a material world. [REVIEW]Trevor Pinch - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (5):461-483.
    This article addresses the relationship between technology and institutions and asks whether technology itself is an institution. The argument is that social theorists need to attend better to materiality: the world of things and objects of which technical things form an important class. It criticizes the new institutionalism in sociology for its failure to sufficiently open up the black box of technology. Recent work in science and technology studies (S&TS) and in particular the sociology of (...) is reviewed as another route into dealing with technology and materiality. The recent ideas in sociology of technology are exemplified with the author’s study of the development of the electronic music synthesizer. (shrink)
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    Path-dependence in technological and institutional change – some criticisms and suggestions.Daniel Kiwit - 1996 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 7 (1):69-94.
    La littérature sur le sentier de corrélation met en doute l’efficience du mécanisme de marché en ce qui concerne le choix des technologies et des normes caractérisé par les rendements croissants.Récemment cette idée a attiré l’attention de quelques chercheurs spécialisés dans le processus de changement institutionnel. Dans cet article je soutiens qu’il y a de sérieux défauts dans la manière dont le sentier de corrélation des changements technologiques est habituellement présenté. Le point principal est quoi qu’il en soit le changement (...)
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  9. Industrial and Technological Research Institutes and.Jk Nigam - 1993 - In Syed Zahoor Qasim, Science and quality of life. New Delhi, India: Offsetters. pp. 445.
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    India Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth Century. By Shri Dharampal. Delhi: Impex India, 1971. Pp. lxxii + 281. Rs 65. [REVIEW]Richard Hills - 1975 - British Journal for the History of Science 8 (1):78-79.
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    Using Augmented Reality Technology in Higher Education Institutions.Roman Gurevych, Anatolii Silveistr, Mykola Мokliuk, Iryna Shaposhnikova, Galyna Gordiichuk & Svitlana Saiapina - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    One way to increase the effectiveness of a mobile-oriented learning environment is to use augmented reality technology, which enables the integration of real and virtual learning tools using mobile Internet devices. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the use of augmented reality technology in physics classes. The article describes and substantiates the relevance of the application of augmented reality technology, considers possible uses of this technology in the educational process, in particular in terms (...)
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    Ḥadīth In The Mamlūk Period Accordiıng To Badr Al-Dīn al-ʿAynī’s Iqd Al-Jumān (Second Half of The 7th Century – Beginning of The 8th Century). [REVIEW]Fatma Betül Altintaş - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):583-603.
    History works written in the style of chronicles are used not only for the purpose for which they were written. Chronic works may also contain reflections on the position of the ulema (ʿulamāʾ) at the time of its writing and his view of the scientific world of the period in which he lived. This work is based on the book ʿIqd al-jumān fī taʾrīkh ahl al-zamān written by the celebrated Ḥanafī jurist (faqīh) and muḥaddith Badr al-Dīn al-ʿAynī as a public (...)
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    How to Encourage Social Entrepreneurship Action? Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Higher Education Institutions.Víctor Jesus García-Morales, Rodrigo Martín-Rojas & Raquel Garde-Sánchez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):329-350.
    University students will be our future business leaders, and will have to address social problems caused by business by implementing solutions such as social entrepreneurship ventures. In order to facilitate the learning process that will foster social entrepreneurship, however, a more holistic pedagogy is needed. Based on learning theory, we propose that students’ social entrepreneurship actions will depend on their learning about CSR and their absorptive capacity. We propose that instructors and higher education institutions can enhance this absorptive capacity by (...)
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  14. Ned Block (massachusetts institute of technology, cambridge, ma) how heritability misleads about race, 99-128.Susan Goldin-Meadow, Carolyn Mylander & Cynthia Butcher - 1995 - Cognition 56:283.
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    Chinese Technology.Francesca Bray - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 28–31.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References and Further Reading.
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  16.  8
    Wind Power in Australia: Overcoming Technological and Institutional Barriers.Andrea Bunting & Gerard Healey - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (2):115-127.
    Until recently, Australia had little installed wind capacity, although there had been many investigations into its potential during the preceding decades. Formerly, state-owned monopoly utilities showed only token interest in wind power and could dictate the terms of energy debates. This situation changed in the late 1990s: Installed wind capacity began growing rapidly following the introduction of supportive renewable energy policies and the restructuring of the electricity industry. However, wind farms still provide only 1% of Australia's electricity, the future of (...)
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    Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur January 14–26, 2008.Ramon Jansana, Mai Gehrke, Alessandra Palmigiano, Mihir K. Chakraborty, Didier Dubois, Eric Pacuit, Rohit Parikh & Prakash Panangaden - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (4).
  18.  57
    (1 other version)Technology assessment and ethics.Barbara Skorupinski & Konrad Ott - 2002 - Poiesis and Praxis 1 (2):95-122.
    Technology assessment (TA) is – for several reasons – not detachable from ethical questions. The development of institutions and concepts for TA, especially in the USA and Western Europe, has been marked by an increasing tendency to focus evaluative and normative questions. In the following paper, we point out, in as far as the common notions of TA are implicitly normative, why reflection upon conceptual options of TA inevitably leads to ethical questions, and that the key question of participation (...)
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  19.  62
    Technology, war, and fascism.Herbert Marcuse - 1998 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Douglas Kellner.
    Acclaimed throughout the world as a philosopher of liberation and revolution, Herbert Marcuse is one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century. His penetrating critiques of the ways modern technology produces forms of society and culture with oppressive modes of social control indicate his enduring significance in the contemporary moment. This collection of unpublished or uncollected essays, unfinished manuscripts, and correspondence between 1942 and 1951, provides Marcuse's exemplary attempts to link theory with practice, and develops ideas that (...)
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  20. Information Technology and Moral Philosophy.Jeroen van den Hoven & John Weckert (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    Information technology is an integral part of the practices and institutions of post-industrial society. It is also a source of hard moral questions and thus is both a probing and relevant area for moral theory. In this volume, an international team of philosophers sheds light on many of the ethical issues arising from information technology, including informational privacy, digital divide and equal access, e-trust and tele-democracy. Collectively, these essays demonstrate how accounts of equality and justice, property and privacy (...)
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  21.  95
    Technologies, culture, work, basic income and maximum income.Alan Cottey - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):249-257.
    Radical changes of our cultural values in the near future are inevitable, since the current culture is ecologically unsustainable. The present proposal, radical as it may seem to some, is accordingly offered as worthy of consideration. The main section of this article is on a proposed scheme, named Asset and Income Limits, for instituting maxima to the legitimate incomes and assets of individuals. This scheme involves every individual being associated with two bank accounts, an asset account (their own property) and (...)
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  22.  5
    Political alchemy: technology unbounded.Ágnes Horváth - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores politics as a form of alchemy, understood as the transformation of entities through an alteration of their identities. Identifying this process as a common denominator of many political phenomena, such as communism, EU integration, mediatisation or globalisation, the author demonstrates not only the widespread presence of alchemical techniques in politics, but also the acceleration of their deployment. A study of the steady growth of power as it reaches a continuous and permanent stage, thus avoiding the inherent difficulties (...)
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  23.  9
    Best Practices for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning: Connecting to Psychology and the Social Sciences.Dana S. Dunn, Janie H. Wilson, James Freeman & Jeffrey R. Stowell - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The use of technology and teaching techniques derived from technology is currently a bourgeoning topic in higher education. Teachers at all levels and types of institutions want to know how these new technologies will affect what happens in and outside of the classroom. Many teachers have already embraced some of these technologies but remain uncertain about their educational efficacy. Other teachers have waited because they are reluctant to try tools or techniques that remain unproven or, as is often (...)
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  24.  93
    Massive Technological Unemployment Without Redistribution: A Case for Cautious Optimism.Bartek Chomanski - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (5):1389-1407.
    This paper argues that even though massive technological unemployment will likely be one of the results of automation, we will not need to institute mass-scale redistribution of wealth to deal with its consequences. Instead, reasons are given for cautious optimism about the standards of living the newly unemployed workers may expect in the fully-automated future. It is not claimed that these predictions will certainly bear out. Rather, they are no less likely to come to fruition than the predictions of (...)
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  25. What are Socially Disruptive Technologies?Jeroen Hopster - 2021 - Technology in Society 67:101750.
    Scholarly discourse on “disruptive technologies” has been strongly influenced by disruptive innovation theory. This theory is tailored for analyzing disruptions in markets and business. It is of limited use, however, in analyzing the broader social, moral and existential dynamics of technosocial disruption. Yet these broader dynamics should be of great scholarly concern, both in coming to terms with technological disruptions of the past and those of our current age. Technologies can disrupt social relations, institutions, epistemic paradigms, foundational concepts, values, and (...)
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  26.  11
    Technology and ethics: a European quest for responsible engineering.Ph Goujon & Bertrand Hériard Dubreuil (eds.) - 2001 - Leuven, Belgium: Peeters.
    Technology and Ethics. A European Quest for Responsible Engineering, edited by B. Heriard Dubreuil and his team (University Lille) is in many regards an innovative publication. It is the first fully European contribution to the field of engineering ethics and the result of an intensive cooperation between ethicists and engineers from all the member countries of the European Union. The basic structure of the book is both the distinction and interaction between three levels of analysis: personal responsibility of engineers, (...)
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  27.  34
    Is technology the best medicine? Three practice theoretical perspectives on medication administration technologies in nursing.Marcel Jmh Boonen, Frans Jh Vosman & Alistair R. Niemeijer - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (2):121-127.
    Even though it is often presumed that the use of technology like medication administration technology is both safer and more effective, the importance of nurses' know‐how is not to be underestimated. In this article, we accordingly try to argue that nurses' labor, including their different forms of knowledge, must play a crucial role in the development, implementation and use of medication administration technology. Using three different theoretical perspectives (‘heuristic lenses') and integrating this with our own ethnographic research, (...)
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  28.  17
    Pedagogy, Technology, and the Body.Erica McWilliam & Peter G. Taylor - 1996 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This collection of essays is a genuinely interdisciplinary exploration of the changing relationship of pedagogy, technology, and human beings in contemporary educational and cultural settings. The authors draw upon the most recent theoretical developments in education, the arts, the human body, and technology to interrogate changing pedagogical practices both inside and beyond educational institutions. Their focus on new forms of cultural exchange constitutes a radical re-thinking of the nature of pedagogical events beyond the boundaries of the traditional educational (...)
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  29.  9
    Science, Technology, and Society: New Directions.Andrew Webster - 1991 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Macmillan.
    Read any newspaper or watch your television and as often as not you will be confronted by the worries, hopes, challenges, and mistakes of science and technology. Sociology has been trying to make sense of science for many years, while government and industry have promoted and exploited it for even longer. But what are science and technology? How have they been shaped by society? What new directions are they taking? Andrew Webster provides a lively and accessible introduction to (...)
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  30.  15
    Book Reviews : Helen Crowley and Susan Himmelweit (eds) Knowing Women: Feminism and Knowledge Cambridge: Polity Press in association with the Open University, 1992, 396 pp., ISBN 0-7456-0976-7. Frances Bonner, Lizbeth Goodman et al. (eds) Imagining Women: Cultural Representations and Gender Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992, 361 pp., ISBN 0-7456-0974-0. Gill Kirkup and Laurie Smith Keller (eds) Inventing Women: Science, Technology and Gender Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992, 342 pp., ISBN 0-7456-0978-3. Linda McDowell and Rosemarie Pringle (eds) Defining Women: Social Institutions and Gender Divisions Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992, £11.95, 322 pp., ISBN 0-7456-0980-5. [REVIEW]Cathy Lubelska - 1994 - European Journal of Women's Studies 1 (1):123-125.
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    An Institutional Approach to Electricity Sector Restructuring: The Case for Consumer Aggregation.Thomas Boyle, Johanna Gregory, Christopher Sherry & Jon Rosales - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (5):386-393.
    Social and environmental problems attributed to current electricity sector restructuring structures are spelled out. The energy source choices and market power of large industrial and commercial users versus residential consumers are compared. An institutional analytic approach is used to reveal the best option to alleviate the social and environmental problems associated with electricity restructuring. Community aggregation emerges with great potential to achieve meaningful social and environmental improvement.
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    The dark posthuman: dehumanization, technology, and the Atlantic world.Stephanie Polsky - 2022 - [Goleta, California]: Punctum Books.
    The Dark Posthuman: Dehumanization, Technology, and the Atlantic World explores how liberal humanism first enlivened, racialized, and gendered global cartographies, and how memory, ancestry, expression, and other aspects of social identity founded in its theories and practices made for the advent of the category of the posthuman through the dimensions of cultural, geographic, political, social, and scientific classification. The posthuman is very much the product of world-building narratives that have their beginnings in the commercial franchise and are fundamentally rooted (...)
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  33.  15
    Gender, Technology, and Environmental Policy.Sylvia E. Washington - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (5):365-371.
    This article is tied to the main objective of my research, which is to determine how environmental concepts about an urban industrial community were communicated to working-class immigrant and migrant children and their responses to these efforts. I would like this research to contribute to the understanding of why these groups have traditionally been subjected to a disproportionate amount of toxic and hazardous waste in their communities. As a result of this phenomena, the health of children and nonworking women in (...)
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  34.  18
    Managing Health(-Care Systems) Using Information Health Technologies.Thomas Mathar - 2011 - Health Care Analysis 19 (2):180-191.
    This study aims to compare and contrast how specific information health technologies (IHTs) have been debated, how they have proliferated, and what they have enabled in Germany’s and England’s healthcare systems. For this a discourse analysis was undertaken that specifically focussed on future-scenarios articulated in policy documents and strategy papers released by relevant actors from both healthcare systems. The study reveals that the way IHTs have been debated and how they have proliferated depends on country-specific regulatory structures, their respective values, (...)
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  35.  20
    The New Institutional Economy and the New Traditional Economy in Korea: Does the Confucian Tradition Give It a Competitive Edge?J. Barkley Rosser - unknown
    A new traditional economy combines elements of traditional culture, such as Confucianism, with a modern, technologically advanced economy, while a new institutional economy minimizes transactions costs through its institutional structure. South Korea has enhanced its competitive edge by drawing on Confucian elements such as respect for education and the search for family-like harmony in chaebol corporations that can reduce transactions costs (despite problems) in an open system. Despite also emphasizing respect for education, North Korea has drawn on anti-mercantile elements of (...)
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  36.  29
    Nursing as total institution.Jess Dillard-Wright & Danisha Jenkins - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12460.
    Healthcare under the auspices of late‐stage capitalism is a total institution that mortifies nurses and patients alike, demanding conformity, obedience, perfection. This capture, which resembles Deleuze's enclosure, entangles nurses in carceral systems and gives way to a postenclosure society, an institution without walls. These societies of control constitute another sort of total institution, more covert and insidious for their invisibility (Deleuze, 1992). While Delezue (1992) named physical technologies like electronic identification badges as key to understanding these societies of control, the (...)
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  37. New Technologies and Alienation: Some Critical Reflections.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    The developing countries are currently undergoing a perhaps unprecedented technological revolution that has given new credence and life to the concept of alienation after a period of relative decline in which M arxian, existentialist, and other modern discourses were replaced with postmodern perspectives skeptical or critical of the concept of alienation. In this paper, I want to suggest that emergent information and communication technologies and the restructuring of global capitalism require us to rethink the problematics of technology and alienation. (...)
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  38. Parenting in a technological age.Geertrui Smedts - 2008 - Ethics and Education 3 (2):121-134.
    Technology is not just a tool but an amalgam of conceptual, institutional, and interactional issues that occupy the space of technical reason. In this space, parents' identity is becoming narrowed according to a limited conception in which the place of caring is in danger of being lost. Parents are increasingly required to adopt knowledge on parent ing instead of adapting it to their child's needs. By use of the Heideggerian idea of Enframing, I argue that educational experts and practitioners (...)
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  39. Emerging Technologies & Higher Education.Jake Burley & Alec Stubbs - 2023 - Ieet White Papers.
    Extended Reality (XR) and Large Language Model (LLM) technologies have the potential to significantly influence higher education practices and pedagogy in the coming years. As these emerging technologies reshape the educational landscape, it is crucial for educators and higher education professionals to understand their implications and make informed policy decisions for both individual courses and universities as a whole. -/- This paper has two parts. In the first half, we give an overview of XR technologies and their potential future role (...)
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  40. Technology vs. science: The cognitive fallacy.Nucci Pearce M. Rosaria & Pearce David - 1989 - Synthese 81 (3):405-419.
    There are fundamental differences between the explanation of scientific change and the explanation of technological change. The differences arise from fundamental differences between scientific and technological knowledge and basic disanalogies between technological advance and scientific progress. Given the influence of economic markets and industrial and institutional structures on the development of technology, it is more plausible to regard technological change as a continuous and incremental process, rather than as a process of Kuhnian crises and revolutions.
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  41. Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD8) 2019 Symposium of Design at the Illinois Institute of Technology.Peter Jones (ed.) - 2019 - Chicago, IL, USA:
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    How institutional solutions meant to increase diversity in science fail.Inkeri Koskinen - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6).
    Philosophers of science have in recent years presented arguments in favour of increasing cognitive diversity, diversity of social locations, and diversity of values and interests in science. Some of these arguments align with important aims in contemporary science policy. The policy aims have led to the development of institutional measures and instruments that are supposed to increase diversity in science and in the governance of science. The links between the philosophical arguments and the institutional measures have not gone unnoticed. Philosophers (...)
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  43. Converging technologies, shifting boundaries.Tsjalling Swierstra, Marianne Boenink, B. Walhout & R. Van Est - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (3):213-216.
    Converging Technologies, Shifting Boundaries Content Type Journal Article Pages 213-216 DOI 10.1007/s11569-009-0075-x Authors Tsjalling Swierstra, University of Twente Enschede Netherlands Marianne Boenink, University of Twente Enschede Netherlands B. Walhout, Rathenau Institute The Hague Netherlands R. Van Est, Rathenau Institute The Hague Netherlands Journal NanoEthics Online ISSN 1871-4765 Print ISSN 1871-4757 Journal Volume Volume 3 Journal Issue Volume 3, Number 3.
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    Institutions, Automation, and Legitimate Expectations.Jelena Belic - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (3):505-525.
    Debates concerning digital automation are mostly focused on the question of the availability of jobs in the short and long term. To counteract the possible negative effects of automation, it is often suggested that those at risk of technological unemployment should have access to retraining and reskilling opportunities. What is often missing in these debates are implications that all of this may have for individual autonomy understood as the ability to make and develop long-term plans. In this paper, I argue (...)
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    Molecular Detector (Non)Technology in Mexico.Luis Reyes-Galindo - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (1):86-115.
    This paper discusses the introduction of fraudulent “molecular detector” technology into Mexico. The case is used to argue that contemporary science and technology studies’ approaches to scientific policy-making make basic assumptions about the societies they operate in that are inconsistent with the Mexican context. This paper also argues that contrary to what happens in the so-called Global North, the relative power of Mexican science in government and policy circles is as much limited by its relatively weak position as (...)
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    Institutional Review Board Approaches to the Incidental Findings Problem.Moira A. Keane - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):352-355.
    With rapidly expanding technological capacity, research has outpaced the existing infrastructure of ethical and regulatory guidance. In the area of incidental findings, this is particularly true.The regulations under which most Institutional Review Boards operate were established over 25 years ago and have not been substantially altered in the intervening years. The technology available today that creates the opportunity for IFs was not conceived of, or considered, in the crafting of those regulations. Therefore, little guidance can be derived directly from (...)
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    Interactive Technology Assessment in the Real World: Dual Dynamics in an iTA Exercise on Genetically Modified Vines.Arie Rip, Pierre-Benoit Joly & Claire Marris - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (1):77-100.
    Participatory Technology Assessment initiatives have usually been analyzed as if they existed in a social and political vacuum. This article analyzes the linkages that occur, in both directions, between the microcosm set up by a pTA exercise and the real world outside. This dual-dynamics perspective leads to a new way of understanding the function and significance of pTA initiatives. Rather than viewing them as a means to create the ideal conditions for real public debate, they are viewed here as (...)
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  48. Dewey's Political Technology from an Anthropological Perspective.Shane J. Ralston - 2019 - Education and Culture 35 (1):29-48.
    This article explores the possibility that John Dewey’s silence on the matter of which democratic means are needed to achieve democratic ends, while confusing, makes greater sense if we appreciate the notion of political technology from an anthropological perspective. Michael Eldridge relates the exchange between John Herman Randall, Jr., and Dewey in which Dewey concedes “that I have done little or nothing in this direction [of outlining what constitutes adequate political technology, but that] does not detract from my (...)
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    Creating value with science and technology.Eliezer Geisler - 2001 - Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.
    Do science and technology create value for society and the economy, and how might one go about measuring it? How do we evaluate its benefits? Can we even be certain that there are benefits? Geisler argues that there are benefits, and that they outweigh in value the negative impacts that inevitably accompany them. His revolutionary new book goes on to show that they can also be measured and evaluated, and in one volume all of the existing knowledge on how (...)
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  50. Institutional Diversity and Innovative Recombination.Nathan Goodman, Otto Lehto & Mikayla Novak - 2025 - European Economic Review 174 (May 2025):104998.
    In Explaining Technology, Koppl et al. (2023) argue that “recombination is the essential driver of technological evolution” (p. 3). Modelling combinatorial innovation as a self-propelling, “autocatalytic” process raises the question of what explanatory role, if any, is left for institutional analysis. Although the authors grant institutions only an auxiliary explanatory role, they hint at the functional importance of market institutions, trade networks, patent law, and entrepreneurship. Our paper argues that institutions matter because they crucially affect aggregate levels and rates (...)
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